This event will be the first of a kind. BUSINESS ANGELS will act like sharks and decide about personal investment in minutes after a pitch.
9.00-9.05 Welcome speech and introduction of CE-Connector 9.05-10.00 STARTUP poster presentation in separate breakout rooms 10.00-10.45 STARTUP pitches and BUSINES ANGELs investment decisions
10.45-11.00 BREAK STARTUP poster presentation in separate breakout rooms
11.00-11.45 STARTUP pitches and BUSINES ANGELs investment decisions 11.45-12.00 Investment decision of CE-Connector PUBLIC PARTNERs
12.00-14.00 BREAK STARTUP poster presentation in separate breakout rooms
14.00 - 14.05 Welcome speech by Knowledge to Money Founders and EEN 14.05 - 14.25 Ágnes Divinyi - Experiences of the first EIC Accelerator call in 2021 14.25 - 15.00 Roundtable talks: WRITING PROPOSAL with Gábor Miskei (Ateknea), Attila Wootsch (Wootsch & Partners), Gábor Hetyei (Cerc), moderated by Ákos Dervalics and István Pesti K2M Club founders
15.00-15.10 BREAK
15.10 - 15.30 Methodologies and tools for a perfect 1st stage proposal 15.30 - 16.00 Roundtable talks: Applicants' experiences of the first call of EIC Accelerator with Zsolt Rózashegyi (i4p), Jouni Halme (Ladimo Oy), Matthias Kramer (Hoeller Electrolyzer), moderated by Ákos Dervalics and István Pesti K2M Club founders