Ezek kiemelkedően nagy hatással vannak (nem csak lesznek!!!) a startup ökoszisztémára. A blockchain alapú vállalatok finanszírozását már döntően a saját crypto valuta (token) kibocsátása (ICO) finanszírozza. Terveink szerint ennek a területnek a tudás átadására februárban fogunk egy klub napot szervezni. Addig is érdemes a következő helyeket meglátogatni: https://medium.com/envienta-magyarország (a legjobb magyar tartalom a témában), https://www.ethereum.org (ezt az alapja a Smart Contract-nak és a saját tokennek), valós idejű demokrácia akár vállalat, akár egyéb közösség (https://www.democracy.earth).
1. What is the problem or need?
2. Who has the problem or need? 3. Why is it important to solve and how much does it costs the one who has it (the problem)? 4. Please describe the prototype/current range of services and the related IP rights (or processes in progress). 5. Please describe the (future) product/range of services? How does it work (graphic, diagram) - how does it match to need of expected market? 6. What do we have now? 7. What do we want to sell? (if there is difference between the current state and the planned product, services, etc.) 8. Who will buy your product / services and why? (how does this product give answer for the problem?) 9. General competitive advantages, functionality(in a chart) - Efficiency, failure rate, lifetime, output - Operational savings example (in comparison with 2 or 3 other products – the same from the above chart) - Return on investment calculations, assumptions example (in comparison with 2 or 3 other products – the same from the above chart) – A value proposition for the customer, why should they buy it. 10. Company business & financial goals - details of ROI (price, incomes, costs, etc.) |
March 2024